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El salto cuántico magnético da rienda suelta a las supercomputadoras sostenibles

El salto cuántico magnético da rienda suelta a las supercomputadoras sostenibles

Temperatura 2D de materiales magnéticos

Los investigadores han logrado por primera vez demostrar un dispositivo basado en un material magnético bidimensional a temperatura ambiente. El cristal magnético bidimensional aparece como bolas azules, amarillas y blancas y es una mezcla de átomos de hierro, telurio y germanio. La gran flecha turquesa indica la dirección de magnetización del imán bidimensional. El cristal de color gris son los átomos de carbono en el canal de grafeno. Las flechas turquesas más pequeñas indican electrones polarizados por espín inyectados desde el imán 2D en el canal de grafeno. Aquí, el imán 2D actúa como una fuente de electrones polarizados por espín y el canal de grafeno para la transferencia de espín y el contacto. Crédito: Chalmers/Ping Zhao

Se cree que el descubrimiento de nuevos materiales cuánticos con propiedades magnéticas allanará el camino para computadoras y dispositivos móviles ultrarrápidos y de mayor eficiencia energética. Hasta ahora, se ha demostrado que este tipo de materiales solo funcionan a temperaturas muy frías. Ahora, un equipo de investigación de[{» attribute=»»>Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden are the first to make a device made of a two-dimensional magnetic quantum material work in room temperature.

Today’s rapid IT expansion generates enormous amounts of digital data that needs to be stored, processed, and communicated. This comes with an ever-increasing need for energy – projected to consume over 30 percent of the world’s total energy consumption by 2050. To combat the problem, the research community has entered a new paradigm in materials science. The research and development of two-dimensional quantum materials, that form in sheets and are only a few atoms thick, have opened new doors for sustainable, faster, and more energy-efficient data storage and processing in computers and mobiles.

The first atomically thin material to be isolated in a laboratory was graphene, a single-atom-thick plane of graphite, that resulted in the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics. And in 2017, two-dimensional materials with magnetic properties were discovered for the first time. Magnets play a fundamental role in our everyday lives, from sensors in our cars and home appliances to computer data storage and memory technologies, and the discovery opened for new and more sustainable solutions for a wide range of technology devices.

Bing Zhao

Bing Zhao, post-doc in Quantum Device Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Credit: Chalmers

“Two-dimensional magnetic materials are more sustainable because they are atomically thin and offer unique magnetic properties that make them attractive for developing new energy-efficient and ultra-fast applications for sensors and advanced magnetic memory and computing concepts. This makes them promising candidates for a range of different technologies,” says Saroj Dash, Professor in Quantum Device Physics at Chalmers University of Technology.

The first to demonstrate 2D magnet-based devices at room-temperature

So far, researchers have only been able to demonstrate two-dimensional magnets in extremely low temperatures in laboratory environments, so called cryogenic temperatures, inhibiting their broader use in society. But now a group of researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have been able to demonstrate, for the very first time, a new two-dimensional magnetic material-based device at room temperature. They used an iron-based alloy (Fe5GeTe2) with graphene which can be used as a source and detector for spin polarised electrons*. And the breakthrough is now believed to enable a range of technical applications in several industries as well as in our everyday lives.

Saroj Dash

Saroj Dash, Professor, Quantum Device Physics Laboratory, Chalmers University of Technology. Credit: Chalmers/Oscar Mattsson

“These 2D magnets can be used to develop ultra-compact, faster and more energy-efficient memory devices in computers. They may also be used to develop highly sensitive magnetic sensors for a wide range of applications, including biomedical and environmental monitoring, navigation, and communication,” explains Bing Zhao, post-doc in Quantum Device Physics and first author of the study.

*Conventional electronic logic devices are based on nonmagnetic semiconductors and use the flow of electric charges to achieve information processing and communication. Spintronic devices, on the other hand, exploit the spin of electrons to generate and control charge currents, and to interconvert electrical and magnetic signals. By combining processing, storage, sensing, and logic within a single integrated platform, spintronics could complement and, in some cases, outperform semiconductor-based electronics, offering advantages in terms of scaling, power consumption, and data processing speed.

The demonstration is described in the study “Room Temperature Spin-Valve with van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2/Graphene Heterostructure” published in the scientific journal Advanced Materials. The authors of the study are Bing Zhao, Roselle Ngaloy, Sukanya Ghosh, Soheil Ershadrad, Rahul Gupta, Khadiza Ali, Anamul Md. Hoque, Bogdan Karpiak, Dmitrii Khokhriakov, Craig Polley, Balasubramanian Thiagarajan, Alexei Kalaboukhov, Peter Svedlindh, Biplab Sanyal and Saroj P. Dash.

Reference: “Room Temperature Spin-Valve with van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2/Graphene Heterostructure” by Bing Zhao, Roselle Ngaloy, Sukanya Ghosh, Soheil Ershadrad, Rahul Gupta, Khadiza Ali, Anamul Md. Hoque, Bogdan Karpiak, Dmitrii Khokhriakov, Craig Polley, Balasubramanian Thiagarajan, Alexei Kalaboukhov, Peter Svedlindh, Biplab Sanyal and Saroj P. Dash, 15 January 2023, Advanced Materials.
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202209113

The researchers are active at Chalmers University of Technology, Uppsala University and Max IV laboratory at Lund University, Sweden.

The project was financed by: European Union Graphene Flagship, Swedish Research Council, 2DTECH Vinnova Competence center, Wallenberg initiative on Materials Science for a Sustainable World (WISE), and European Union FLAG-ERA projects

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